Harps take on Skerries Town at Finn Park on Friday night in the last 16 of the FAI Cup. Fans are reminded that season tickets do not cover this game. You can buy a match ticket online via finnharps.ie/tickets
Thanks to the Convoy Arsenal U10 and U12 girls who will welcome Harps to the field tonight as our flagbearers. Thanks for being part of the occasion and we hope to see you all back at Finn Park soon!
This year is a very special year for Convoy Arsenal FC with the formation of our U10 and U14 girls teams. Great work was done last year in building the U12 girls and this year they have gone from strength to strength.
Many of these girls have never played soccer before and are keen to come to training and learn their chosen sport. There is a superb buzz around the club and it is wonderful to see the children mixing with each other, meeting new friends and building relationships which will last for years while having fun and getting exercise.
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