Upcoming MatchFinn Harps v Dundalk FC/21 February 2025/Finn Park
Upcoming MatchFinn Harps v Dundalk FC/21 February 2025/Finn Park

Finn Harps FC Anti Racism Policy

Finn Harps Football Club and the Football Association of Ireland welcomes all supporters to its League of Ireland grounds and condemns any form of discrimination and bigotry in football.
Finn Harps FC does not condone any hostile abuse of player, fans or officials based on nationality, religious affiliation or any ethnic or cultural background. Those found in breach of any such behaviour may face being escorted from the ground and reported to the Gardaí.
Finn Harps FC will not tolerate any bullying, harassment, abuse or any victimisation of an individual which the purpose of this policy and the actions and sanctions applied is regarded as discrimination.
Finn Harps FC in all club activities will not discriminate or in any way treat anyone less favourably on grounds of sexual orientation, gender, marital status, nationality, ethnic origin, religion or belief, race, colour, disability or ability.
Finn Harps FC will commit itself to any immediate investigation of any claims when its brought to our attention, of discrimination on the above grounds and where such is found to be the case, a requirement that the practice stop and sanctions imposed as appropriate.
Finn Harps FC is committed to a policy of equal treatment to all its members, volunteers and club officials and requires all its members to abide by and adhere to the policies and the requirements of the relevant legislation – Employment Equality Act 1998 & 2004, Equal Status Act 2000-2004, Prohibition of Incitement to Hatred Act 1989 as well as any changes to these acts and any new legislations which are published.
It is our club policy that part of one of our terms and conditions of season ticket holders is that they do not take part in any racist abuse. Any such activity will result in the immediate cancellation of their season ticket.

Anti-Discrimination Policy For Football
1. As a senior club playing in the League of Ireland, we feel we are responsible for setting standards and values to apply throughout the game at every level. Football belongs to, and should be enjoyed by, everyone equally. Our commitment is to confront and eliminate discrimination whether by reason of race, nationality, gender, sexual orientation, ethnic origin, colour, religion or disability.
2. Finn Harps FC is an equal opportunities employer. We are committed to equality of opportunity within the organisation and to encouraging similar commitment for every organisation or individual acting within the game.
3. Equality of opportunity at Finn Harps FC means that in all our activities we shall not discriminate or in any way treat anyone less favourably, on grounds of race, nationality, gender, sexual orientation, ethnic origin, colour, religion or disability. This includes:

* Appointment to honorary positions.
* Advertisement of jobs.
* Job location or working environment.
* Selection of candidates for employment or promotion.
* Pay and employment terms and conditions.
* Internal training and development activities.
* Football development activities.
* Selection for representative teams.

4.4. Finn Harps FC shall not tolerate sexual or racially-based harassment or other discriminatory behaviour, whether physical or verbal, and shall work to ensure that such behaviour is met with appropriate disciplinary action in whatever context it occurs.
5. Finn Harps FC is committed to the development of a programme of ongoing training and awareness raising events and activities to promote the eradication of discrimination within our organisation and in the wider context of football as a whole.


  1. Any participant, who offends, disparages, discriminates against or denigrates someone, or a group of persons, in a derogatory manner on account of ‘race’, skin colour, language, religion, disability, gender, ethnic and/or national origin or sexual orientation, or perpetrates any other racist/discriminatory and/or contemptuous act, shall be subject to disciplinary sanction. The relevant disciplinary body shall consider and have the power to impose a suspension, fine or other sanction as deemed appropriate. In the case of individuals, the minimum suspension shall be for a period of ten matches.
  2. If a spectator, or spectators, engage in racist/discriminatory behaviour, including but not limited to chanting or displaying racist/discriminatory slogans at a match, the relevant disciplinary body shall sanction the club which the spectator(s) supports. If the spectator(s) cannot be identified as a supporter or supporters, of one or other club, the host club may be sanctioned.
  3. Spectators engaging in racist/discriminatory behaviour may be subject to a disciplinary sanction or in the absence of identifying individuals the club to which they belong to may be subject to disciplinary sanction.
  4. Sexual or racially based harassment or other discriminatory behaviour, whether physical, verbal and/or written, direct or indirect or via social media channels, shall result in disciplinary action.

We as a club will also inform and educate all our staff, volunteers, fans and players the full importance of our anti-racism policy and will make them aware of any training or workshops that become available at any time. We have full belief in our policy and will ensure this is made public to all who wish to read it.

Review of Policy

  •  This policy will be reviewed every year by the club and the Board of Directors & if there is a change of events, the Board will also recommend any changes necessary to be applied to the policy.





Ian Harkin


Finn Harps Football Club