Upcoming MatchFinn Harps v Dundalk FC/21 February 2025/Finn Park
Upcoming MatchFinn Harps v Dundalk FC/21 February 2025/Finn Park

Call to Arms- WhatsApp for the Boys in Blue!!

“Stand Up For The Boys In Green” is a familiar cry to anyone accustomed to watching the Republic of Ireland at Landsdowne Road or abroad, rallying the fans to stand up and get behind their team.  And with Finn Harps Annual Draw approaching its “squeaky bum time” we now appeal to you to stand behind this vital venture and ‘WhatsApp for the Boys in Blue’.

We know you’ve probably bought dozens of tickets at this stage, of course you have!  Probably even pushed a few on reluctant workmates over morning coffee.  (If you have not done these things – do these things!).

As we all know, we are a community rooted, fan owned club and as such fundraising efforts like the Annual Draw are crucial for the Club to keep on Harping on.  Every penny of income from our incredible local sponsors, our 500 Club members, our Lotto, our half time draw goes directly into keeping the club running, from first team developments, to academy, women’s teams and our ever growing range of community activities.

So we wanted to ask you to do one more simple thing which club volunteers and supporters have found to be hugely effective in moving a few more draw tickets as the deadline approaches!  If you use WhatsApp there is a little used feature known as “Broadcast Messages” which allows you to send the same message to up to 256 contacts without creating yet another a dreaded Group Chat!

Recipients receive a message from your broadcast list as a normal message in their Chats tab. Their reply will also appear as a normal message and won’t be sent to other contacts in the broadcast list.  This is a hugely effective way to send a circular around selected, sympathetic contacts with some general info about the draw, and dropping a link to buy tickets online right in front of their eyes.

Create a Broadcast as below by tapping the “three dots” in the top right hand corner and selecting “New Broadcast”, then add the likely victims….sorry, the trusted contacts that you want to include.  Compose a brief message with basic details of the draw, especially the prizes, and include the link https://finnharps.ie/annualdraw/   If you want to get very fancy you can even send an image such as the draw ticket below.

So don’t be shy, WhatsApp for the Boys In Blue today, and then do it again before the draw on the 8th Sept!  It’s a great way to catch up with those contacts you only chat to once in a blue moon!!