
September 14, 2024
Chris McNulty (right) with Ciaran Bovaird and John Tinney present Fergal Harkin with the Player of the Year Award from the St Johnston Finn Harps Supporters Club

“It’s not just any old club. It’s ours.”- Chris & Finn McNulty, Ball Sponsor for Harps v Longford

It’s not actually about the football, is it? I mean, let’s be honest here, the honours list speaks for itself . . . By its very nature, especially in a world absent of patience, football is a short-term business. For everyone, that is, but the fans. The devotion of the football fan – particularly the...
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A snapshot in time – B.J. Banda By Bartley Ramsay

This snapshot in time was taken on 6 November 2015 and is the most remembered game for the current generation of Finn Harps supporters.  The photo showing the scenes of celebration after B.J. Banda’s goal.  The picture is courtesy of Sportsfile and was taken by Oliver McVeigh. You may recall that game.  Harps had finished...
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